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Assunto: Formative steps to zero waste: Victoria, Australia
País: Australia
Fonte: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #22-2003: July 4, 2003
Data: 7/2003
Enviado por: Kit Strange, Warmer Bulletin
Curiosidade (texto):
EcoRecycle Victoria´s Business Plan 2003-04 to 2005-2006 presents a new approach to avoiding and reducing waste while continuing to promote the recovery of resources from the Victorian community. Chief Executive Officer, Ian Coles said that over the past three years EcoRecycle has been pleased to help advance the Victorian Government´s goal of a sustainable Victoria. "We have particularly, paid closer attention to waste areas where performance has not been so impressive: green organic material, industrial and commercial waste and building and demolition products," Mr Coles said. "The next key stage of programme delivery will be to begin the implementation of the draft tenyear strategy, Towards Zero Waste: A Materials Efficiency Strategy for Victoria, " he said. The draft strategy Towards Zero Waste, promotes greater sustainability in the community by placing emphasis on waste avoidance, product stewardship and recycling in the commercial and industrial sectors. Specifically for 2003/2004 NZ$2.5 million has been allocated in addition to NZ$1.6 million in ongoing funding to strengthening infrastructure to: process municipal green waste and food organics process and compost commercial food organics sort and recover construction and demolition waste sort and recover commercial and industrial waste recover end-of-life products like computers recover recyclable material in regional Victoria EcoRecycle is to encourage further waste reduction and avoidance with advice and knowledge, the use of sustainability covenants, market development support and dialogue with ma waste generators. EcoRecycle will continue managing projects under the National Packaging Covenant, including providing funding support to Councils for upgrading to best practice standards and improving efficiency of the state´s kerbside recycling services. It will also continue its successful core education programs including litter abatement and Waste Wise initiatives that work with local government, community groups and small business. A copy of the Business Plan is available at

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