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Subject: Antarctic waste disposal exercise succeeds
Country: Continente Antartica
Source: Warmer Bulletin enews #5 2002
Date: 2/2002
Submitted by: Natália Caninas
Curiosity (text):
Antarctic waste disposal exercise succeeds A project to help clear Antarctica of junk has overcome a final hurdle, with the unloading of a shipment of 1,000 tonnes of scrap metal. Three years after it began, the British-based Mission Antarctica project has cleared the scrap from Russia's Bellingshausen base. It also took tonnes of trash out from three other stations on King George Island, off the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Final negotiations with Uruguayan authorities held up unloading for several days before (on February 1) rusting remains of abandoned machinery, drums and building materials were lifted off the ship Anne Boye. Up to 30 tonnes of oil and paint waste were not accepted, and will go to a specialist treatment plant in Europe. Antarctic clean-ups have been under way for more than a decade as individual nations address piles around their bases that accumulated for years until attitudes changed. But some countries remained too impoverished to mount a clean-up, despite the scale of their problems. Mission Antarctica marshalled extensive corporate help for the Bellingshausen clean-up. Backers included Merrill Lynch and biotechnology company Serono. Work on the project has been under way for at least three years. For the past two austral summers, mission members worked at gathering the material, cutting it into manageable pieces and removing liquids to safe containers. Then late last year heavy lifting equipment was shipped to Bellingshausen aboard Anne Boye. The project struck trouble when the Danish-registered ship grounded in Fildes Bay. But it was refloated within 24 hours by the Argentinean tug Castillo. Assisted by Russian national programme members, Mission Antarctica volunteers then collected the waste in open top skips and lifted these onto a barge to be floated to Anne Boye. The Bellingshausen work was completed in favourable weather ahead of schedule. In addition around 40 tonnes of waste was taken from bases belonging to Chile's, Uruguay and Poland. Mission Antarctica plans to take its message to this year's World Summit on Sustainable Development in South Africa, and carry on with other clean-up work

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