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Subject: Carrier Bag Consortium formed - industry fights its corner
Country: UK
Source: Warmer Bulletin Enews #38-2002
Date: 10/2002
Submitted by: Kit Strange, Warmer Bulletin
Curiosity (text):
A consortium of plastic carrier bag manufacturers and distributors has been created to undertake a PR offensive which aims to show that the carrier bag is the best environmental choice that consumers can make.

With a website ( in place offering a range of information, it is clear that the debate over plastic bags and other litter

The consortium's central assertion is that plastic carrier bags are not a litter problem; and that most litter is snack food packaging, bottles and cans, cigarette ends and similar. It is estimated that plastic bags of any kind make up far less than one per cent of litter on our streets. So reducing the number of plastic carrier bags we use will make no difference to the volume of litter on our streets

The group's cornerstone document is a single page document The holes in the argument, which you can get from their website.

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