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Subject: Canadian Government applauds industry for producer responsibility scheme
Country: Canada
Source: WARMER BULLETIN ENEWS #15-2003: April 26, 2003
Date: 4/2003
Submitted by: Kit Strange (Warmer Bulletin)
Curiosity (text):
The Government of Canada has congratulated EPS Canada and the Canadian electronics industry for its initiative to design, implement and finance a nation-wide programme to recover, re-use and recycle post-consumer electronics in an environmentally sound manner.

Leading companies within the Canadian electronic industry sector have announced a nation-wide-recycling programme for post-consumer electronics, such as personal computers, laptops, printers and televisions to ensure the environmentally sound management of their products. Specifically, this initiative will address the hazardous content and growing quantities of post-consumer electronic equipment bound for final disposal.

The Government of Canada recently declared that it supports industry-led initiatives such as this and will continue to work in partnership with industry and other stakeholders to help foster an industry solution in Canada that is environmentally and economically sound.

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