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Subject: 'Eco-cement' Standards
Country: Japan
Source: Warmer Bulletin - September 1999
Date: 10/1999
Submitted by: Kátia Mansur
Curiosity (text):
Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has decided to establish a new standard for 'eco-cement', containing ash from incinerated municipal solid waste (MSW). The new standard would aim to come into effect in the year 2002. Eco-cement is a recycled product consisting of more than 50 per cent incinerated MSW. The ash is baked at 1,400 degrees centigrade, which is said to ensure that dioxins and other toxic products are destroyed. The standards formula for Eco-cement is likely to relate to product efficiency, including strength and safety. If standards are implemented, Eco-cements could be used foe construction, including public works. Construction of Eco-cement production facilities are now getting underway in the Tokio metropolitan area and Chiba prefecture

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