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Subject: Recycling used items not a waste of time and saves money - China Daily
Country: China
Source: Warmer Bulletin enews #5 2002
Date: 2/2002
Submitted by: Natália Caninas
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Recycling used items not a waste of time and saves money - China Daily The Chinese Government recently hatched a plan to recycle industrial and family waste and, in the process, yield 55 billion yuan (US$6.62 billion) a year within five years. The State Economic and Trade Commission's plan would carry out China's sustainable development strategy and protect the environment. The five-year blueprint, implemented in 2001, sets annual targets in several areas. Examples include recycling up to 37 million tons of used steel and iron; two million tons of waste nonferrous metal; up to 6 million tons of garbage plastic; and 17 million tons of used paper. Other targets include taking back 800,000 knocked-down cars and trucks and collecting at least 80 per cent of waste electronic appliances and computers. According to the commission, with rapid economic and social development and enhanced quality of life, production of renewable wastes has been increasing in recent years. Statistics indicate that 1.4 million Chinese recycle resources. China has more than 5,000 waste-collecting firms and 3,000 waste treatment factories. In 2000, about 50 million tons of renewable waste resources worth 45 billion yuan (US$5.42 billion) were recycled. But problems remain; many used items have yet to be recycled - they are valued at up to 35 billion yuan (US$4.2 billion) nationwide. Each year, 5 million tons of steel and iron, 200,000 tons of nonferrous-metal and 14 million tons of paper are not re-used. Massive publicity campaigns, education and training will be introduced, it is reported

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